International Students Adaptation and Integration
Project acronym: INTERADIS
Implementation period: 15 November 2020 - 14 November 2023
The project is funded by the European Union Erasmus Programme +
Coordinator: Netherlands Business Academy, Netherlands
Co-coordinator: KROK University, Ukraine
Project aim and objectives:
Common aim:
• Integrate international students into the Ukrainian and European educational space through cultural, ethnic, social and academic values.
Specific project objectives:
• Develop and implement Roadmap that includes all aspects of integration and adaptation of international students.
• Improve the quality of teaching and administrative services for international students.
• Improve the qualifications of administrative and scientific staff.
• Create a tolerant and multicultural international environment in Ukrainian HEI.
• Disseminate the results of the project to HEI in Ukraine.
Project activities:
• Learning from the EU experience.
• Developing the capacity for internationalisation.
• Modernisation of administrative procedures.
• Development and implementation of Roadmap for the integration of international students.
• Development and piloting a course for the adaptation of international students.
• Modernising university infrastructure.
• Adapting curricula for international students.
• Training and mobility.
• Quality management.
• Dissemination of project results.
• Project management.
Expected results:
• Development of Roadmap that includes all aspects of international student integration.
• Qualified staff.
• Improving the quality of training and administrative services.
• Creating a supportive environment for international students.
• Dissemination of project results.
project website