Home » 2022 » January » 27 » Associate professor of Mariupol State University Serhii Parkhomenko presented a scientific study in the European Parliament
Associate professor of Mariupol State University Serhii Parkhomenko presented a scientific study in the European Parliament

Associate professor of the Chair of political science and international relations of Mariupol State University Serhii Parkhomenko presented a scientific study to the European Parliament. Together with the co – authors of the work – professor of the University of Tartu Volodymyr Sazonov and associate professor of Tallinn University of technology Holger Molder-the Teacher investigated the spread of Russian disinformation in the European Union during the coronavirus crisis.

In their work, the researchers note that the purpose of disinformation is to create information chaos, distrust of the actions of governments, in particular Western coronavirus vaccines.

The study was commissioned by MEP Jaak Madison. The coordinator of the research project was art Johansson, a teacher of military history and strategic planning at the Baltic Defense College (Estonia). One of the main goals of the presentation of the work in the European Parliament was the need to cover the topic in the political arena.


It is always important to keep certain issues in the spotlight so that they are also communicated to other countries. We are talking about the French and Germans – our good colleagues who may not have daily contact with such specific information about Russia's actions,

  — member of the European Parliament Jaak Madison.


As a result of the joint work, an agreement was reached on Yaka Madison's visit with her Estonian colleagues to Mariupol State University to participate in the Autumn political science school.

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