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Education program in Royal Docks Business School
The education program on international business was held in Royal Docks Business School for University of East London, August 1-26. 70 people from 15 countries of the world (Brazil, China, India, Germany, Korea, the USA, etc.) participated in it. Oxana Avdan, assistant lecturer of Management Chair, represented Ukraine and Mariupol State University.

The signing ceremony of Agreement on Cooperation, that was held within the framework of the 7th International Economic Forum “Open Donbass” on December 1st, 2011, became a starting point in the development of relationships between MSU and University of East London. The next step in development of cooperation became the visit of a UEL delegation to Mariupol State University. At the time of the negotiations, it was decided that MSU students and lecturers would participate in Summer Schools on international relations, international economics and law that are annually held in London on UEL grounds.

This program aimed to enable students to acquire the skills of work in international groups, the ability to analyze the economic development in developing and developed countries and to use information resources for decision-making in running business. The participants were supposed to take part in talks on business matters, to write essays on the modern economic trends of international business and to present projects on the existing techniques of property promotion as well as those on the techniques of bringing new companies to market.

The participants attended lectures concerned with international trade, globalization, development of global business strategies and research of the global trends in the world economy. At the end of the course, the participants learnt to critically appraise the development of international business operations as well as to analyze particular business situations and strategies of economic development.

It should be noted that all the 4 weeks of the program were informative both from the point of view of studies and excursions. After the lectures that lasted 3 hours every day, the participants were taken to international organizations as well as to museums of history and banks, such as Bloomberg, Bank of England, and Royal Exchange. On the days off the participants were taken to Stonehenge, Windsor and Oxford.

Oxana Avdan expresses her heartfelt gratitude to Kostyantyn Balabanov, MSU rector, and to the administration of the University for the wonderful chance. Such educational programs are a unique experience of analyzing the British teaching methods and their use in the Ukrainian system of education. Owing to the fact that Agreement on Cooperation is signed, MSU teaching staff have a chance to study the modern trends of the global economy together with complete English-speaking environment immersion.

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