Home » 2021 » May » 19 » Erasmus+: MSU professors will take part in an academic project to restore European studios
Erasmus+: MSU professors will take part in an academic project to restore European studios

Teachers from the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department at Mariupol State University were selected to participate in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet academic project "Rebuilding the Potential of EU Studies in the Conflict–affected Areas of Ukraine: Addressing Challenges and Creating Solutions".
University teachers implement their own micro-project on the theme "Dissemination of European ideas, values and principles in the educational components of MSU". Its aim is to provide quality education to ensure its internationalisation.

The micro-project is led by Associate Professor Mariia Svietlakova and implemented by Head of the Department Olena Hilchenko and Associate Professors Anastasiia Trofymenko and Yuliia Konstantynova with the assistance of the EU Information Centre and the Gender Research Centre based at MSU.

University professors will present their ideas and findings during workshops where they will receive feedback from national and international experts. The final versions of the micro-projects will be presented to representatives of European Union institutions, public authorities and other stakeholders at an international conference.

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