Home » 2013 » January » 28 » Mariupol State University has become a member of the United Nations Academic Impact
Mariupol State University has become a member of the United Nations Academic Impact

The beginning of 2013 was marked by an important event for Mariupol State University in the field of international cooperation.
MSU received a Certificate verifying joining the United Nations Academic Impact Program that is aimed at enhancing cooperation of the higher educational institutions with the United Nations, as well as among themselves.

Participation in the program involves active support and promotion of the basic UN principles through education. The major principles include human rights protection, particularly freedom of research, thought and speech; provision of educational opportunities for every individual regardless of his gender, race, religion and ethnicity; development of international civil society; preservation of peace and conflict resolution; addressing poverty.

Today, the UN Academic Impact covers more than 100 countries. It was joined by around 30 Russian universities and 20 universities of Ukraine, in particular, the following: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv National Economic University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

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