Home » 2022 » July » 22 » Mariupol State University lecturers and World movie stars played in radio performances in support of Ukraine
Mariupol State University lecturers and World movie stars played in radio performances in support of Ukraine

On July 16, dramatic readings of Aeschylus' play “Petitioners” were held online, which were joined by lecturers of Mariupol State University. The radio performance of the American Theater “Theater of War Productions” is organized in support of Ukraine.

The Academic community was represented in the international creative project by Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Professor Roman Tolpezhnikov and Associate Professor of the Chair of Industry Management Tetiana Tolpezhnikova.

A Californian colleague invited us to participate in the project. She was aware of the circumstances of people's stay in Mariupol and the problems of leaving the city,

–  Professor of Mariupol State University Roman Tolpezhnikov.

Together with the Ukrainians, World stars – Willem Dafoe, Oscar Isaac, David Strathairn took part in the readings of the Greek tragedy. The goal of the project is to create a discussion and draw attention to war as a global problem.

“Petitioners” tells the story of a group of refugees seeking refuge in the city of Argos. The play depicts the heroes' struggle for a better future and the struggle within the country that ultimately accepts them.

Every line of the play resonates in my heart. After having to remain silent for the sake of survival in the occupation, it is a great gift to be able to speak about your fears that occur daily in Ukraine due to the military invasion.

At the moment, it is important to talk about the war and the horrors that russia is doing whenever possible. I am grateful to those who support our country and our defenders. I wish us all a peaceful sky,

–  Professor of Mariupol State University Roman Tolpezhnikov.

Live readings were attended by listeners from 62 countries: America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. At the end of the performance, a dialogue took place between the participants and the actors, during which the participants expressed support for Ukraine and confidence in Victory.


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