Home » 2022 » January » 19 » Mariupol State University student Anhelina Ivanova entered the top three participants of the international competition
Mariupol State University student Anhelina Ivanova entered the top three participants of the international competition

Anhelina Ivanova, a third-year student of the specialty "History and archeology" of Mariupol State University, took part in the VI international interdisciplinary competition of scientific and creative works named after Volodymyr Maniak and Lydiia Kovalenko.

This time, the contest entries had a single social theme: "Regional History in the context of understanding the Holodomor era – the genocide of the Ukrainian people."

Anhelina submitted the study "The tragedy of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in the village of Yalta, Donetsk region" to the competition. The student wrote her scientific work under the supervision of the head of the Chair of history and archeology of Mariupol State University, Professor Volodymyr Romantsov. The girl studied the consequences of Stalin's policy of creating the Holodomor through family experience, the history of certain regions and localities as components of a single All-Ukrainian space. 

According to the results of the competition, Anhelina took third place in the category "Best Scientific and artistic works of students, postgraduates, scientists (under the age of 35)". The award ceremony was held at the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine.


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