Home » 2021 » October » 18 » MSU educators adopted the Czech experience in teacher training
MSU educators adopted the Czech experience in teacher training

Mariupol State University has become one of the 20 universities participating in the Czech-Ukrainian project "Changes in Pedagogical Universities and Faculties in the 21st Century".

Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Olena Pavlenko and Associate Professor of Italian Philology Natalia Marakhovska went to the Czech Republic as part of an educational trip "Strategy and trends that support the development and modernization of universities".

The lecturers visited Masaryk University and Tomasz Bata University. Together with the project participants, they discussed issues of international cooperation between universities, career growth of students and their incentives to participate in research, as well as areas of internationalization in academia.

The educators met with the administration, faculty and heads of structural units of Czech universities, including the marketing department, career center, and scientific library. MSU lecturers learned about ensuring the quality of education at the faculty and university level, the implementation of the strategy of internationalization, enhancing academic mobility and communication between pedagogues and students.

I was pleasantly surprised by the organization of information activities at the Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University. Given the involvement of prospective entrants and the promotion of specialties at the faculties involved in the creation of promotional videos, interactive guides for the adaptation of freshmen, taking into account the encouragement of students to participate in charity projects, community, volunteer, and educational activities, 

– Professor Olena Pavlenko.

Following the results of participation in the project, the Mariupol University will use the received experience for improvement and development of educational programs on preparation of experts of pedagogical branch.

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