Home » 2021 » November » 5 » MSU student Victoriia Pustova reached the highest professional level in the first year of practice in Italy
MSU student Victoriia Pustova reached the highest professional level in the first year of practice in Italy

This summer, 12 students of Mariupol State University successfully completed a three-month internship in the hotel and restaurant industry of Italy. Young people tried their hand at assistant chefs, waiters, bartenders and administrators.

On November 4, Mariupol University was visited by representatives of the U.C.M. - Italy "Mediterranean Union of Chefs - Italy" led by President Paolo Brescia, who are the organizers of the internship. They met with the university management and talked to students - past and future participants of the international internship.

Communication with students of Mariupol University took place online. Representatives of the Association summed up the results of this year's practice and told about the nuances of preparation and internship next year. Defendant and candidates employ tutors who need a minimum of Italian communication and assistance to acquire the first skills in the chosen field of internship.

Mariupol University has high results in student practice. This year the university broke the record! Student Victoriia Pustova reached the third level of professional development in a year. This is a unique case for our internship program. The girl worked on her own in the kitchen and skillfully did her job. The girl's talent was also noted by the Ukrainian consul,

– Paolo Brescia. 

Victoriia Pustova is studying at Mariupol State University. She has got a master's degree in International Relations. During the internship, the girl was an assistant chef at the restaurant “Piazzola verde”. The restaurant is very popular, so the restaurant staff always has to serve many guests. Victoria's responsibilities included the provision of preparations for meals, as well as the cooking of various pastas and risottos. 


I love to cook and often set the table at home. In Italy, I gained invaluable experience in cooking national dishes and learned many new recipes. Italians love their culture and are happy to share knowledge. I've always been told how to properly cook pasta and make a creamy sauce for it, how to use wine in dishes and not overdo it with seafood,

– Victoriia Pustova. 

In addition to improving her culinary skills, the girl improved her language skills and felt the true color of Italy. In her free time, Victoria walked the streets, went to the sea and enjoyed the Italian ice cream.

Everyone around speaks Italian, smiles, ready to help in any case. Italy is a very beautiful country and I would like to visit it many more times,

– Victoriia Pustova. 

Participants of the international internship will receive certificates. They will be useful for re-crediting disciplines and internships related to student activities in hotels and restaurants in Italy.


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