Home » 2014 » July » 8 » Rector's Address to Applicants of 2014
Rector's Address to Applicants of 2014

Dear applicants!

It's time for you to cross the line that separates two different phases of your adult life, each of them being worth special attention. School years are a long path from childhood to adulthood. The knowledge you get at school is the foundation for further development of your personality which should help you choose your future profession.

Do not underestimate the importance of this choice. Aimless studies with no pleasure will never bring the desired results. Therefore, while choosing your future alma mater you should be careful in determining the field of studies that would reveal your intellectual and creative potential to the full extent.

Mariupol State University offers you a wide range of majors. Founded in the year when Ukraine proclaimed its independence the University started its path as a college of humanities with 12 teachers and 102 students. Within 23 years we have built a solid faculty structure which includes 50 professors and 150 associate professors, and opened nearly 30 prestigious majors, Master's and Post-graduate programs, as well as specialized academic councils for PhD theses defense.

Being concerned about comprehensive development of the future professionals, we pursue a number of objectives: providing high quality education in close cooperation with employers, supporting research, developing intellectual and creative potential of the youth, and strengthening their patriotic spirit. The key to the success of our University is a harmonious combination of the best traditions of national higher education with the latest developments of the leading countries. Our students learn at least two foreign languages; communicate with the leading foreign experts and scholars; gain priceless experience during internships in the UK, Italy, France, Germany, the USA, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus and many other countries; participate in international projects and programs; receive summer employment opportunities abroad. All the aforementioned aspects increase their mobility and competitiveness in the international labor market.

It is terrible to witness facts when university graduates cannot apply their knowledge and professional skills in practical work. In this regard we draw your attention to the employment rate of MSU graduates which equals 90-95%. Besides, 83% of students get their first job during their studies; more than 700 graduates successfully work abroad.

Our University provides a wide range of opportunities for students to organize their leisure and develop their creative ideas. Setting high expectations for student government, we support its initiative and hard-working activists, and facilitate in implementing various academic, social, and cultural projects.

We believe in our students. We trust our students. We are proud of our students. We care about our students.

Become our student!

Welcome to Mariupol State University!

Best regards
Kostiantyn Balabanov,
Rector of Mariupol State University,
Doctor of Political Science, Professor,
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cyprus in Mariupol

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