Home » 2022 » July » 27 » To form Higher Education at the European level: MSU became a member of the European University Association
To form Higher Education at the European level: MSU became a member of the European University Association

Mariupol State University has joined the European University Association (EUA). The application for full membership was approved by the Council on July 26, 2022.

The EUA is an organization that unites more than 800 Educational Institutions from 47 countries. Its members exchange experience with each other, learn useful knowledge from leading experts, and work on the implementation of joint projects.

Membership in the Association provides an opportunity to participate in unique professional development programs, conferences and seminars with the participation of well-known international speakers, research aimed at the development of Higher Education.


For Mariupol University, joining the Association means a big step towards a better future, which we create every day with our hard work. This membership is an opportunity to build Europe in Ukraine: adopt European educational traditions and introduce them into the Ukrainian educational space,

  – Rector of Mariupol State University, Mykola Trofymenko.


I am pleased to note that the Department and the Council of the Association decided not to accept the current membership fee from Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine as a gesture of support in wartime.


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