Home » 2022 » May » 27

Mariupol State University is actively establishing partnerships with Asian HEIs. On May 16, MSU signed a memorandum of cooperation with Tzu Chi University (Taiwan).  
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Просмотров: 350 | Добавил: Press | Дата: 27.05.2022

Rector of Mariupol State University, Professor Mykola Trofymenko presented the University and Mariupol at the webinar "Ukraine: War, Economy, Path to Rebuilding". ... Read more »

Просмотров: 391 | Добавил: Press | Дата: 27.05.2022

Peaceful life before a full-scale war remains only in memories, but it still makes itself felt now. In early February, participants of the “Tallent” theater and music group presented Mariupol State University at the II International Festival-competition of trainee and student creativity “Competition for the new life!».
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Просмотров: 292 | Добавил: Press | Дата: 27.05.2022

Realizing the importance of the role of educators on the scientific and information front and the need to spread the truth about the heroic confrontation of the scientific community with the challenges of our time, representatives of Mariupol State University joined the educational and scientific events of Ostrava University (Czech Republic).
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Просмотров: 341 | Добавил: Press | Дата: 27.05.2022